taking of samples

英 [ˈteɪkɪŋ ɒv ˈsɑːmplz] 美 [ˈteɪkɪŋ əv ˈsæmplz]




  1. Taking the Badain Jaran Desert and its neighboring district as an example, discreteness, principal component and correlation of the chemical constituents of water samples were analyzed for the benefit of data collection and test.
  2. Analyzing on the Influential Factors of Participating in Charity in China's Urban Women: Taking Part of Cites as Research Samples in the Wes Strait Economic Zone
  3. No feed manufacturer/ vendor or feed/ feed additive end-user shall reject a requested inspection or taking of samples for analysis purposes under the first paragraph of this Article.
  4. Taking into account cost and quality of products, our experiments showed that the rational technology is soaking the samples in the solution of CaCl 2 ( 0.8%) for thirty minutes before HPP, then processing them at 300 MPa at ambient atmospheric temperature for ten minutes.
  5. Taking two representative periodicals of tropical crops as samples, the distribution of publishing year of Chinese and foreign citations in1999~ 2002 was analyzed.
  6. By taking eighty troops of history data to serve as samples the genetic algorithm with its searching ability and high efficiency is successfully used to train the weights of the multi-layer forward neural network.
  7. Microbion was isolated culture with fermentative stage taking of samples.
  8. Taking the experimental data of thermodynamic performance of refrigeration systems as training samples, the training courses were compared, which use the standard BP algorithm, steepest descent algorithm with learning rate optimization, and BFGS algorithm with learning rate optimization, respectively.
  9. Through adopting the ideas of optimal hypersphere and constructing a quadratic programming problem, we can construct a similarity measurement matrix by support vectors taking place of samples, which can solve uncertain problem dimensionality.
  10. Taking the data of real estate companies as samples from 1998 to 2003, it appears to us that the capital structure has a good impact in making profit through theory analysis and studies other factors.
  11. In this paper the principle of fluorescence/ scattered radiation method is studied, and taking measurement of geological powder samples. The conditions and effects of using this method to portable X-ray fluorescence analyzers are discussed.
  12. In this paper, using orthogonal experiment method, taking three layers feed forward neural network as a example, problem of choosing training samples, weights and bias, training parameter of neural network is analyzed and studied.
  13. The direct weight address mapping techniques are employed in the underlying algorithm of the model, and the relationship between the inputs and weights is established by taking the scaled inputs of training samples as the head address of C weights unit in the associative memory.
  14. The practicability of the single and polymorphic site index models is researched by taking Chinese fir as an example, adapting Richards growth function as basic model and using the two sets of samples of fitting and testing which were collected in Mount Nanling.
  15. Taking statistic datas of performances of men and women volleyball competitions of 2000 Olympic Games as samples, the authors found some new traits of world highest volleyball competitions after new rules being applied. Teams that is strong on net are easier to get good results in compelition.
  16. With application to civil engineering, this thesis advises a new method for determining the training error of a neural network by taking into account the stochastic characteristic of the training samples.
  17. In the second part, the writer, taking such major currencies in the history of world economy as Pound, Dollar, Deutsche Mark, Yen and Euro as samples, reviews their process of internationalization, analyzes and obtains their respective characteristics.
  18. Taking the grey distribution of metallic samples and their corrosion modality as the knowledge base, the diagnosing system identifying corrosion modality of metallic material in seawater was established according to the theory of fuzzy pattern recognition. The images can be identified by grey distribution.
  19. Applying the basic idea of period frequency analysis in the method of analysing the time series and taking into consideration the features of periodogram samples, the author puts forward a computing method for quick discernment of concealed periods.
  20. Taking Dongxin sulphur-bearing oil pipeline as an example, the study on the rheology of mixture of oil samples produced from Gudao and Qinghe oilfield has been finished.
  21. Although the taking of samples of paper and relationships between variables exist certain of limitations, it is still perceived quality and brand loyalty and broadens the research ideas.
  22. Blood samples were collected from femoral vein in each group at the time of before taking the medicine and an hour of ischemia later. After one hour of ischemia-reperfusion, blood samples were got from inferior vena cava.
  23. Taking advantage of average background of the interval images sequence for preprocessing of samples, and according to pixel similarity theory, choosing those samples that have critical background information for building background model.
  24. Taking into account the special ownership of our country, we studied 184 samples separately by the nature of the company which controlling shareholder is state-owned or non-state-owned.
  25. In recent years, semi-supervised learning has become a research focus in the machine learning field, Semi-supervised learning taking advantage of labeled samples and unlabeled samples to guide the learning process, leading to better learning performance.
  26. Taking advantages of SVMs in limited samples learning and applying SVMs to fault recognition, an on-line intelligent fault diagnosis system based on SVMs is designed.
  27. Chapter 4 is for an empirical analysis. Taking the standard land prices of 13 prefecture level cities in Jiangsu province within the urban areas as research samples, we analyze the affecting factors working on the spatial variation land prices.